TRAVEL / Zuid Afrika: Kaap de goede hoop
“South Africa gives me a perspective of what’s real and what’s not real. So I go back to South Africa ... -
TRAVEL / Gezichten van Afrika
The faces that I saw while volunteering in Africa. Words are not enough. Images either. I wish I could show ... -
HOTSPOT / Zuid Afrika: Shamwari game reserve
“We each have a destiny, a legend that only we can live. To embrace it is scary and dangerous, and ... -
TRAVEL / Zuid Afrika: de Tafelberg
“Table Mountain is the defining visual icon of Cape Town and South Africa. It has been the backdrop to the ... -
TRAVEL / Zuid Afrika: Bloukrans brug bungeejump
This travelogue will be available in English soon. http://youtu.be/06brhrSZtNQOmdat het zondag is, ik laat ben met mijn post en het ... -
TRAVEL / Zuid-Afrika
This travelogue is available in English soon. Ik heb al wat fijne reizen mogen maken. Naast de vakanties in ...